Colors to less operations (with help of nodejs)

Transforms colors to less operations that needs to be applied to the base color to get the desired color

Put in first two columns colors: source & desired, then press "Go"

Delimit colors in both columns by enter! For example.

Colors to less operations

Transforms colors to less operations that needs to be applied to the base color to get the desired color.

Currently colors parsed only as HEX: #fff, ccc, #ceceff.


c2o = require("colors-to-less-operations");

base      = "#ff8000";
dependent = "#bf8040";

// will become "saturate(#ff8000, 20%); // #bf8040"
dependentAsOperations = c2o.transformToLessOperations(base, dependent);


Run make test.

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Colors to less operations (with help of nodejs) is maintained by garex
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